Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How To Enjoy Life

I don't claim to know it all but I do enjoy life more the older I get. I feel I have earned my years and have been gifted with more wisdom and its only fair I should share what I have learned.

"True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all."
- Socrates

Don't take life so seriously
Learn to laugh at the silliness all around. We will encounter things that annoy us everyday, take it for what it is and move on. If you feel it requires a response, so be it, but don't focus so much of your time and energy on it that it becomes an obsession. If someone's behavior is bothering us and talking to them doesn't help, it would serve us better to focus on how we can better handle ourselves. How can we change our attitudes towards it so we can let it go and move on? Than dance!

"To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others."
- Albert Camus

Don't assume high IQ equals wisdom
Even me. I always ask that you question me if what I say doesn't sound right to you - that's anybody and anything. If it doesn't resonate with you, question it. I have had people call me out before and I highly respect them for it if its done with the best intentions. I know I don't know it all and I am prone to go off on rants just like anybody else. When someone is brave enough to stand up to me and say something, I give them the respect they deserve. If someone gets mad at your for questioning them, it only means they use their anger to hide their own incompetence. We should never assume we know everything for that is when we will fall flat on our faces

"Re-examine all you have been told . . . Dismiss what insults your Soul."
- Walt Whitman

Don't ever look down your nose at anyone
Watch out for the stuck up types. No one is too big to give you a minute of their time. The president of the United States doesn't see himself above the poor as he sits with them. Neither should any one of us feel we are better than anyone, ever. I am equal with the homeless man, the prostitute, the crackhead, the murderer in prison. I am equal with the president, the pope, the philanthropist, the soldier, God. I am no better, no worse. We may exhibit different behaviors but it doesn't make us less of a human. We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions, it does not necessarily define who we are inside. If anyone ever tries to make you feel stupid or less of a person, feel sorry for THEM for they have not learned to look past their own importance. It is not a reflection on you if you are love. No one defines us but ourselves. We have the power to shape who we are and no one can take that away from us. So forget about what you have heard in the past about who or what you are. Only believe what you hold to be true.

"Privilege is the greatest enemy of right."
- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Don't be so judgmental
This is everyone, even me. We see something, we state an opinion. Fine, but don't let it turn into bitterness and hatred. Girls dress like hoochies, so what! Choose to ignore them or join them. I personally think that we need to move towards a naked society because too much judgment rests on what someone does or does not have on. Maybe if we were naked there would be nothing other than body type to judge - so we are forced to get to know them from the inside. This may also help the obesity problem because people would have an incentive to shape up since they can't hide it. I think confidence would increase as we are forced to face our fear of our body images and therefore lead to happier people. So stop worrying about what somebody is wearing or not wearing and have fun!

This also goes for behavior. Stop worrying about if someone is trying to get more attention. Than don't give them any, ignore them! Master the art of forgiveness. You forgive their neediness than it doesn't bother you anymore, even if they continue. Block them from your life and move on. It should not stand in the way of you and your happiness, which is where your focus should lie.

"If you want to study yourself -- look into the hearts of other people. If you want to study other people -- look into your own heart."
-Friedrich von Schiller

Understand and believe that what is meant to be, will be
If we don't get what we want, its because something bigger and better awaits us. It may hurt because we want it so bad, but learn to let it go. If it is meant to be ours, it will be ours. If not, than why tear ourselves up by hanging on to something that will never be. Meanwhile, life goes on and we miss out on our opportunities of our bigger and better things. This is a hard one to master, it took me years and constant reminders from my mother. I just wanted to cry and pout and hope things would change, but they didn't. When I learned to let go is when I started to see great things happen in my life. Suddenly, I started to see the reasons why what I wanted before wasn't meant for me. What really was meant for me, made me much happier. I may have missed those opportunities meant for me had I allowed myself to obsess over something lost.

Also believe in karma. Some things in life seem unfair but maybe they are meant to be as well. If we see things occur that don't seem right and there is nothing we can do to stop it, than have faith karma will catch up and even things out. Everything runs its course and what's left standing in the end is the truth. But we cannot let this obscure our vision of our goals.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."
- Helen Keller

Stop trying to be someone's mama/daddy
This is about making up rules for behavior that don't address issues of safety. Certain laws and rules are needed in order to ensure everyone is safe but when people start making up their own rules about the way one should act (which technically falls under etiquette) this is getting into parental territory. It's really obnoxious and pretentious of anyone to assume that they should dictate what others morals and values should be (parents with their actual children excluded). Focus on your own growth and leave others to do the same. Worrying too much about how others should act only takes away from your own enjoyment of life as we can't possibly watch or control everybody. As a parent, I know how exhausting that could be for just one child, imagine trying to do that for the whole world. No way. Focus on parenting yourself and your own actions. And don't forget to have fun!

"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world — that is the myth of the atomic age — as in being able to remake ourselves."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Don't mistake kindness for weakness
Just because you are kind and loving does not mean you are vulnerable to the players, hustlers, liars and manipulators out there. There will always be game, be smart and recognize it. Most people can recognize it as it's that feeling you get at the pit of your stomach. Don't ignore it, recognize it's there and either choose to call it out or turn and walk the other way. You can also walk beside it which is what I tend to do depending on the severity. I feel if I walk beside it, its more of an assertive approach that hopes to get the person to recognize the results of their behavior themselves. We can't force anyone to change, but we can provide assistance should they need it. If you decide to take the agent of change route, don't ever make them feel inferior or that they are bad. Otherwise, you are just as much in the wrong as they have been. We all make mistakes and we just need non-judgmental support to see us through.

If someone does not want to change and nothing you do can inspire them, move on. Don't let them drag you down with them. Don't judge them either. Continue to be you, do you, and remain true to your spirit. This isn't always easy, especially when its someone close to you. Get angry, that's okay, but let it go. Don't blame them for your anger, own your anger, than release it. I do speak from experience, many tragic happenings in my life that would send anyone to a psychiatric ward (came thisclose) but I learned to deal with life the healthy way. It took time and patience, but trust, it does get easier to cope.

"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook."
- William James

Finally, Have fun!!!!
Let yourself go, live, breathe, let your heart sing! Don't worry about what others are going to think, if it feels right, than just do it. Free yourself of the opinions of others. You have that power, don't give it away. :)

"Just dance, gonna be okay."
- Lady Gaga

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