For some reason there is a myth going around that says once you have been blessed you don't deserve to be blessed anymore. For some reason, this untruth has been circulating and making those who've been blessed feel bad for wanting more.
Some have been called greedy. This is inaccurate. When we talk about greed we talk about people wanting more than they need. It becomes greedy when we take away from someone's welfare. Wanting more luxuries does not take away from someone's welfare.
People taking all the food while others starve, or spending all the money so their family struggles or anything that threatens another's well-being, THAN we are talking about greed. All the extra's, there is no such thing as greed because it's extra that nobody really needs in order to survive.
Never let anyone tell you to stop wanting more blessings in your life just because you have so much already. Want more and have more, but don't forget to be grateful and appreciative for what you have already. If you don't remember to be grateful it can all be taken away from you and you will start to see your blessings diminish.
If you are one to call another greedy because you lack the blessings, stop focusing on what others have. Focus on what you have and how you can get more of what you want. When you put the focus back on yourself and approach life positively, you will start to see more blessings flowing into your life.
Let me talk about contests/competitions for a moment...
People win contests, should they be allowed to enter more? Of course! Some may argue that their chances are less if all the past winners are also competing right along with them and its not fair. Really? Not fair? When the winners competed, they had to compete with all the people. Why is it fair to say subsequent people get to compete with less? Why should they get it easier? If someone who already won were to win again, it just means it was meant to be theirs. They took nothing away from the others. If it was meant to be anyone else, they would have won against 200,000 people, against 2,000,000 people, against the whole world. It wouldn't matter how many, they would win. So to say past contest winners should not participate in future contests is ridiculous. Unless the rules specifically call that out, I see no reason why they shouldn't enter as many contests as they want.
Should Lance Armstrong have stopped winning Tour de France? He already won 6 and now he wanted a 7th win? Maybe he should have given others a chance? If anything it should have forced others to step up their game. Why did 7 years go by and no one else trained as hard or gave as hard as he did?
So step up your game. Instead of whining about the unfairness of it all, how can you become better and stronger to win the next time around. Everyone deserves to win as much as the next person, REGARDLESS of how many wins they have already had. If anything, you should be thanking the winners for competing again for forcing you to become a better competitor. Without that competition you may have not had the motivation to push past your comfort zone and improve your game.
If you really want something go for it. Don't let others guilt trip keep you from going after what you want. If it was theirs to have, they would have it. Most people that complain are usually the ones that aren't trying very hard and prefer to have it easier to obtain. Doesn't mean the rest of us need to dumb or weaken ourselves down or take ourselves out of the game.
I understand there are those who prefer to remove themselves to "give others a chance." Sounds good, but in reality your removal is not increasing their chance of success. If you want it, go for it. You can help others get it as well if that makes you feel better but never feel obligated to stop going after something because you already had "your time". If it means something to you, go for it. You can help others as well to win but removing yourself is not one of them. You also help others by setting the bar by which to live up to and exceed.
What about cheaters? Well, in the end cheaters don't win. They may win in the short term but in the long run, karma catches up. Don't let that stop you. If there is nothing you can do about the cheaters, just means that competition wasn't meant for you, try the next one. Don't let the things you cannot control frustrate you or stop you for going after your goals. There are others ways to your goals, get creative. Even a cheater cannot take away what is truly meant to be yours.
Another issue is competing for love and attention.
Everyone deserves to be loved infinitely but it is not our right to determine who should love us. Wanting someone to love you is okay, expecting them to love you is unrealistic. That person can decide to love you or not and how much they want to love you. There is no such thing as loving someone too much or too long. You can't tell someone, "You have already loved her enough, now it's my turn" or "I love you so you should love me back." That's rude and disrespectful not to mention inconsiderate of that person's free will. They are free to love anyone anytime for as long and as many times as they want. If anyone doesn't like that, you have a choice. Move on and seek love elsewhere or love them unconditionally and allow what will be to be.
Loving someone unconditionally means there are no conditions to your love. It means they never have to love you back if they don't want to or give you any attention. You choose to love them no matter what. Of course, it is also your choice to stop loving them as well. But they owe you nothing just because you gave them love. Be grateful for what you do get and expect nothing for your love.
In summary
If you are not getting what you want, its not because other people are succeeding. There is no system in place to work against you. Your only limitation is your own mind. Stop focusing on other people and try to figure out what you can do for yourself.
Learn from the winners and step up your own game.
If you really are content with what you have, cool, sit back, relax and enjoy yourself. But if you are wanting something more and not going after it, than you are depriving yourself. You are not helping anyone else succeed but only hurting yourself.
Go after what you want to get into a position to be able to help others out. Some people may never feel content and that is not our responsibility to fulfill their desires. They have to decide for themselves to be happy. Don't let their negative attitudes keep you for going after what you want. Don't believe them when they say you have had more than your share already. When it comes to the extra's in life, you can have as much as you want.
First and foremost, BE GRATEFUL with what you already have than keep going after what you want!
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