Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let Go The Hate, Already!

I tried to "behave".

I tried to let just people talk.

But I have to accept that this is just who I am.

I am a peaceful warrior and I must accept that God gave me this mouth and this intelligence with a purpose.

I can't ignore the hate. If I do, it only perpetuates. I must smother it with love.

I've been accused of being preachy, been flat out called a self-righteous bitch (not to my face, mind you.) Perhaps at times I have crossed the line. Said more than I needed to, but one thing is for sure, something needed to be said. No one should ever feel helpless or alone. No one should be made to feel that who they are is insufficient and must become who others say they must be. If they are not harming others, what business is it of anyone else.

Now let me say, I understand being annoyed or angry. I get annoyed and angry by those I love and those I don't particularly care about. I have an option. Ignore them or work it out. But sometimes I have to vent first. So I find a trusted friend to which I can vent. I usually rely on them to either just let me vent or to help me see it from another perspective. Eventually, I get over it and I let it go. I either ignore the person or call a truce with the person. Either way, I don't ever let hate enter into my heart.

Annoyance or anger is natural, hate is purposeful.

Hate is an insecurity about yourself that you are not ready to face. Rather than face our issues, we repress them and hate others when our subconscious mind recognizes it in them. Than we look for validation for our hate from others. We like when others join us in our hate. Makes us feel we must be right.

I am reminded of this quote: What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular. The so called popular kids that had hateful things to say about others, not always right.

When is hate ever right? Understand anger, and anger is not hate. As I said anger is a normal emotion that we will undoubtedly feel and its okay. Allow yourself to process it than let it go.

If you have someone you hate so much, think you can you find it in your heart to forgive them? Are they really worth all that negative effort it takes to hate on them? Are you truly happy in your own life? Do you think your efforts are better served on uncovering and working through your own issues? Don't answer me, answer yourself. It's not really my business unless you want to share.

Consistently focusing our efforts on talking bad about someone is not a very constructive use of our time and could be bordering on obsession. Like Lady Sovereign says "Love me or hate, its still an obsession." If someone is bothering you, ignore them or work it out with them. Either way, get over it!

Also let me point out, calling someone out on their bullshit is not hate. It can be love if you do it for the greater good. If you do it for a cause or to stand up for another, this is not hate. If you do it to defend your ego, could be hate. But who am I to judge. I am only human prone to errors everyday. Each day I learn from my mistakes that I will inevitably make.

Some may hate me because of this post, but their hate will only motivate me. The more I am hated, the more successful I will become because love will ALWAYS prevail! I hold strong to that. So bring on the hate. I am confident should I die tomorrow, there will not be any hate in my heart towards any of you.

So if you hate me, you don't have to tell me. You can continue to join in your whispering group of people who hate and yes I know they exist, but it doesn't harm me. How does that make you feel to know your hate only makes us stronger? But if you are ready to release your bonds of hate, know that you will always be welcome in our circle of love.

Real people don't have to hate.

And please don't ever be mistaken into thinking I'm a punk. Those who know me, know this is real and I will fight for what I believe in.

Hate that.

Peace out.

Now that's real.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I like your blogs. This blog is so true. I wrote a very short poem about hate. It is on my blog page. You are welcome to visit my page any time. Most of my blogs are on myspace.